Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 58 - Building up

Time for a house update: the bricks have been laid as high as our bricklayers could reach with their own scaffolding, so today we had the taller stuff brought onsite. With the higher scaffolding we will be able to add the second storey at the northern end and the high garage roof. As the brickwork has been in progress for some weeks the appearance has not dramatically altered day-to-day. Following the bricks the frames, roof, windows and render will all take advantage of the platform. With our scaffolding we'll see some bigger changes in the next month and our brick structure will start to look like a home. If I can overcome my discomfort with heights I might even try it out :-p


  1. I can now see a bit more progress. Will have to drive around by the house within the next couple of days to see it.

    1. Yes, the scaffolding will be finished today so I might pop around to see it's finished state.
