Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 54 - Cherry picking

Quite a few years ago I came across a TV documentary series about philosophy. Hosted by Alain De Botton, he explained how various philosophers can provide insight into daily life; it wasn't long until I started reading his books. It started with Consolations of Philosophy and since then I've read his books covering romance, literature, travel, architecture and employment. Tonight Dani and I went to hear him speak about his new book, Religion for Atheists. Rather than enter into the debate whether god exists or not, he proposes that supernatural beliefs aside, there are many things that religions do well. These include their method of teaching, community building and their patronage of the arts. After what was a very engaging speech, which had humorous moments as well as those that made you think, we got our book signed and had dinner at Circular Quay while we chatted about our thoughts on what we had heard.

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