Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 138 - Theories of comfort

Learning the ins and outs of each component of the house often involves getting my head around lots of theories and finding the one that suits best. None more so than the air conditioning, as I had arranged three meetings to go through the house and get assessments on how to solve the problem of comfort. The theories range from unit size to the ducting configurations and where the outlets and return is situated. I think I have my head around it all now and am comfortable enough to proceed!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 137 - Personally tailored

I wear the normal business attire or uniform depending on your point of view, a suit. It gets quite a work out as I fill my pockets with all sorts of things including my wallet, phone, sunglasses, stylus, door pass and shrapnel. So when the buttons of my jacket worked loose I attribute it to the stuff in the pockets rather than an expanding waistline. Tonight I decided it was finally time for a long delayed repair. As we were at my parents place for dinner, I took advantage of my mother's extensive range of threads and needles and set to work.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 136 - Measuring lateness

I have concocted a theory for predicting what time my colleagues arrive at work. Here's how it works: the office has an underground car park that consists of three levels. Level one fills up pretty early, it is usually full by 8:30am. The next option, level two fills its quota by 9:00am, which leaves level three to pick up the late comers. So when going home in the afternoon observing who gets out of the lift at each floor is a key indicator of how late or early they were. Completely useless information I know, but I have to pass the time in the lifts somehow.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 135 - Work by night

With unresolved design issues at work, my day turned out to go for a little longer than I had anticipated. This isn't the first time this has occurred, however this is the first time I decided to stop the car and get out for a photo opportunity. I think as a rule of thumb, interesting photos often contain repetition. I guess the is because it provides an easy way to observe depth and also a break in repetition can provide a point of interest. What do you think?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 134 - An arty mum

Today is Mother's Day so to celebrate Dani, dad and I took mum to see the Archibalds. Dad provided his expert critical assessment of each entrant much to mum and Dani's amusement. It was the ideal venue as mum is also very arty too, she has talents that shine through in much of her arts and crafts. But generally mum likes getting out and about with her family, which means a lot to her. Dani, dad and I were happy to oblige.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 133 - DIY stairs Part 2

Today was the practise to my theory of Day 110.  The timber was delivered on Friday so we were ready for Saturday morning... well not really as we first realised we didn't have all the tools we needed, so after a couple of trips to Bunnings we were actually ready.  The aim of the day was to cut out the three stringers for the staircase and install them.  We cut the first one, making templates as we went.  After lunch we had it completed and could move on to the second.  We measured both the remaining planks at the same time, we cut out the second to only be beaten by daylight before the third.  I can see this becoming a serial post, but so far stairs are not as hard to make as one would think ;-)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 132 - We ate

Another week and yet another photo of my dinner.  I've decided to challenge myself for next week and no photos will be taken from home.  So the usual procedure of taking a photo of something after I realised I've failed in my mission to take a photo during the day's activities will be banned ... this may require some forethought and planning. For the record the basil and lemon baked chicken on a bed of gonzola and polenta wasn't too bad either :-)