Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 33 - Rainy days

As a consequence of working indoors I use to only care about the weather when the weekend approached as rain meant no flying.  This has changed since we started building our home as it turns into a mud bath after a day or two of steady rain and of course all work stops.  I checked the weather forecast for the week and felt that we would be marginal to get the remaining brickwork finished in time for the steel.  But as what often happens with building is that when one construction is delayed, all get delayed so the steel will be next Tuesday instead of Monday.  What seems minor is a glimmer of hope for me and that is all I need to keep my optimism that everything will be fine.  I really don't think the farmers need rain this much!


  1. I am with you David. The farmers won't want this rain at this particular time all. They have probably had enough as well.

  2. Drama is my favourite setting on snap seed too ;) Love how the ground looks like some alien planet!

  3. Yes the northern NSW would agree with us both Amanda. Belinda - I couldn't resist the drama filter when I saw what it looked like. They need snapseed for Windows!
