Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 51 - Looks easy

So I've had my car back since Friday night when Dani accompanied me out to Five Dock to pick it up. The red battery symbol is no longer showing and the orange wrench symbol begging for a service has also vanished. A number of fluids were replaced and the telltale computer reported I have been kind to the engine with a mere 15 over-revs (apparently some get abused with 200+). On my way home it soon became clear how quickly one acclimatises to another car as the brakes felt very foreign. My driving must have looked like I was depth perception challenged as I hit the brakes only to have a second plunge at the pedal to pull up! After another day of a pedal that feels spongy I thought I would do a very simple thing and check the brake fluid levels. I opened the bonnet and this is what hides beneath, a myriad of pipes and reservoirs. With the aid of a torch I located the brake fluid and it was full. So I will persist a little longer and see if I'm imagining things or not.

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