Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 75 - Going wide

Today's photo has two noteworthy facts.  The first is that it is at Sydney Olympic Park, which is where I work.  It is much quieter than my previous city location, but is also a lot greener and modern.  I often like studying the different buildings as they were built with the purpose to impress the tourists much like buildings in middle eastern countries, although in a less ostentatious manner and therefore far more tasteful.  The other noteworthy thing about this photo is how wide it is.  I stumbled across an app called Autostitch when trying to stitch together two photos for a previous posting so today I thought I would test its limits with a full panoramic photo.  There is a degree of ghosting, but I think that has more to do with my photos, as they say - garbage in means garbage out!


  1. Very good, David. How many photos did you actually take?

  2. It used about 10 photos in total - although my trick HTML iFrame doesn't work on iPads... I did one in Canberra too, I'll show you this week.
