Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 25 - Debating American Idol

Narelle invited Dani and I to a pub trivia night to join a team of her husband Matt, his sister Jenny and his parents, Kadie and Richard.  Always up for some trivia and a night out with fun company (and especially with a team name like "The Ratcats") how could we refuse?  The subjects covered people, food, three letter answers, literature and music.  The first subject was an easy ten points, despite a science fiction bias we knew who Data was from Star Trek and there was no chance we would get Johnny 5 mixed up with Wall-e.  Food started to present a challenge, but we survived the round without knowing what the Scoville scale was for. The three letter round had the odd lucky point - correctly identifying the wok as a cooking implement, but who knew the Germans use them for sport? ( Literature was the toughest round and we were all slapping our heads when the answers came in.  The final round was upon us - music.  A debate on when Kelly Clarkson won American Idol resulted in a wrong answer - as Socrates preached, democracy is no guarantee of correctness.  The results were now in as the trivia master read out the results we patiently waited to hear our fate; it turned out that we won!  A great team effort all round and a $50 voucher was in our hands to use for our title defence :-)


  1. It was a great night, even though we didn't know what the scoville scale for, Matt guessed heat, so we got at least half a point... we need to go again, it was fun! And we need to spend our voucher for being "the champs"

  2. yes, Matt saved us there. We'll have to organise a dinner there again soon - we had a great time.
