Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 12 - Pathways

If there was one area where Dani runs circles around me (but there are many more) it is her walking.  Now that day light saving is back she has resumed her regime, and today I thought I would join her and see some of the local neighbourhood too.  So we changed into our sneakers and shorts and off we set albeit at a slower pace than her usual power walking speed.  We walked through the flood plains behind our house, took a left at the police station and headed past the railway station to the park at the end of the street.  It wasn't over yet, we kept going till we turned around at the 40 minute mark and then made our way back.  Unlike Dani, normally my daily exercise is limited to my walks to and from the railway station - so it was a good feeling to stretch my legs some more.  I know an 80 minute walk is only a small step, but you have to start somewhere.

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