Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 117 - Inside information

Since the end of the Easter school holidays, traffic has increased to new levels.  In a bid to combat the snail pace start-stop routine, I decided I would subscribe to the traffic service on my TomTom iPhone app.  I set off from work and the news was grim, delays along the M4 - nothing new.  I was then asked if I'd like to reroute to save 6 minutes, I thought who wouldn't?  So I followed the new directions through some vaguely familiar streets and rather than the wildly optimistic indicative destination time getting away, it was holding steady.  So far I was impressed - until I was told to turn onto the M2 and M7!  I usually avoid toll roads on my daily grind, but I decided to use them for the purposes of the experiment and I made it home in record time.  Now the next test is for TomTom traffic without the toll road cheats!

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